FARMTECTURE: Our Philosophy
“Farmtecture” is a neologism of synthesis, (the combination of the two words Farming and Architecture) devised by the author, Architect Danilo Capellini, with the collaboration of Professor Paolo Berni, to describe several particular applications and projects.
Farmtecture is an innovative idea, conceived by Architect Danilo Capellini, to plan and organize an integrated agricultural production (aquaculture / agriculture) within urban areas.
After analyzing the effects of the increase in population and the direct impact on food security and food availability in the next 10-15 ye- ars, (in addition to unbalanced urban development and the countryside/wildlife preservation needs) the Author proposes to
realize in large urban areas his innovative Farmtecture structures.
Farmtecture represents a possible answer to improve the safety and sustainability of food production, using and enhancing the environ- mental and human resources available in the urban environment.
In Farmtecture it is possible to cultivate and produce any type of agricultural or aquaculture production, using renewable energy sources which in practice make the Farmtecture complex self-sufficient in terms of energy needs.
There are currently many different versions of Farmtecture in order to suit different needs and environments. Farmtecture can work well in hot or cold climates, humid or arid areas and at any latitude.
- High Rise or Medium Rise Vertical Farms are conceived as new organic, zero miles, food production centers and bio
- Below Ground Level Farms are suited for extreme weather conditions found in extremely cold or hot areas
- Floating Farms (Sheltered or Open Water) are a practical solution to urban farming in cities in front of the water where the ground is not easily available
- Mixed Use Residential Farms (that can also be organized according to strictly Vegetarian or Vegan standards) provide a solution where people can find very high living standards while growing their own food next door
- Brownfield Redevelopment Farms can be, an answer to the need to recover large abandoned or polluted urban
- Roof Top Farms are a smaller scale answer to produce, easily, effectively and without big investments, good food on the roof tops of exi- sting